- mg4XH8kkgJYF
- 20.07.2021
Sooner or later, there comes a time when the user faces the question of how to delete a chat in a Telegram. In order to do this, it will take quite a bit of time: a couple of finger movements and — that’s it, the chat is deleted. But it is at this moment that most users make one very serious mistake. We tell you how to completely destroy the correspondence, as well as that sometimes it is more appropriate to hide the chat, rather than delete it.
Hide or delete: what is the difference and what to choose
Usually, none of the users have any difficulties in understanding how these two actions differ from each other. When you hide a conversation, it is sent to the “Archive”, where it is stored until you return it back to the list of active chats. This is very convenient if you want to hide messages, but do not want to lose them forever.
Deleting is the most radical and effective method that allows you to remove all traces of correspondence from your phone. Next, we will tell you about the reasons why users most often delete chats, but for now we want to focus your attention on the fact that after deleting the correspondence, you will not be able to restore it. No way.
Top reasons to delete a chat in Telegram
Before we move on to the practical part of our article, we want to tell you about a funny survey that we conducted among our colleagues, friends and acquaintances. Thanks to this survey, we found out for what reasons users most often delete chats.
Quarrel, scandal, conflict
In about 80 cases out of 100, the reason for deleting the chat was a quarrel or other conflict situation related to a loved one, friend or relative.
Classified information.
Approximately 15% of users regularly delete chats that store various kinds of information that is not intended for prying eyes and ears.
About 4% of the surveyed users deleted various chats not because they wanted to, but as a result of a banal error that scientists call “I clicked somewhere and everything was gone”.
Interesting! At the same time, we learned why readers leave various Telegram channels. The strangest reason is spam in the comments, which, by the way, is simply solved with the help of a chatbot or a moderator bot.
Now that we have figured out that the chat does not always need to be deleted, but you can just hide it, it’s time to move on to the practical part. We will tell you what to press and in what order on the iPhone, Android and desktop computer / laptop.
Hiding the correspondence in the Telegram
You can hide any dialogs in one of two ways to choose from: standard and advanced.
Standard method: move to the archive
On the iPhone
Launch the messenger.
Select the chat you are interested in and swipe it to the left.
You will see 3 new buttons: “Mute”, “Delete chat”, “Archive chat”.
Click on the “Archive the chat” button.
On Android
Go to the active chats window.
Find the chat you want to archive.
Click on it and do not remove your finger for two seconds.
Several icons will appear at the top of the screen.
Click on the box icon with the down arrow.
On the computer
Launch the desktop version of Telegram.
Find the chat on the left that you decided to archive.
Right-click on it.
In the menu that appears, select “Archive chat”.
Advanced method: move to a separate folder
In a recent update, Telegram has a new feature-the ability to create folders. Using these folders – it is very convenient to separate, for example, personal chats from work or entertainment channels from news channels. You can create your own separate folder, in which you can remove unnecessary chat, if the standard folder “Archive” for some reason does not suit you. We will tell you how to create such folders and how to work with them in one of the next articles.
Important tip: Disable notifications
Very often, the entire operation to hide chats collapsed only because users forgot to turn off notifications. And what could be worse than getting a notification from a hidden chat that came at the most inopportune time? It’s scary to even think about it. Therefore, if your task is to really hide the chat, be sure to take care to disable notifications.
Now you know how to hide a chat in a telegram. It wasn’t hard, was it? We continue and smoothly move on to the issue of complete destruction of correspondence.
Deleting the chat in Telegram
Deleting a chat in a Telegram eliminates the possibility of restoring it, which is an undoubted plus. Moreover, Telegram makes it possible to delete a chat not only for yourself, but also for the interlocutor.
Important! Many Telegram users often make the same mistake – after deleting messages on their phone, they leave all correspondence on the phone of the interlocutor.
How to delete a chat on an iPhone
- Launch the messenger.
Find the chat you want to delete.
Swipe this chat to the left.
You will see 3 new buttons: “Mute”, “Delete chat”, “Archive chat”.
Click on the “Delete chat” button.
A window for selecting options will appear.
Click “Delete from me and %username%” to delete the chat from both interlocutors. If you want a copy of the chat to remain with the interlocutor, select “Delete only from yourself”.
Another window will appear confirming the deletion. If you have not changed your mind, then answer in the affirmative.
The deletion will start in 5 seconds. What if you change your mind?
How to delete a chat on Android
- Go to the active chats window.
Find the chat you want to delete.
Click on it and do not remove your finger for two seconds.
Several icons will appear at the top of the screen.
Click on the trash can icon.
The chat deletion window will appear.
Click “Delete chat” if you want to delete the chat only for yourself. If you want to delete a chat for both interlocutors, be sure to check the box ” Also delete for %username%”, and then click “Delete chat”.
After that, you will have 5 seconds to cancel the deletion of the chat.
How to delete a chat on a computer
- Launch the desktop version of Telegram.
Find the chat you want to delete on the left.
Click on it.
Then find the three points at the top right.
In the menu that appears, select “Delete chat”.
Then confirm the deletion. Don’t forget to check the box “Also delete for %username%” if you want to perform this operation for both participants of the correspondence.
How to delete a secret chat
We have already written about how to delete a secret chat in Telegram and what secret chats are in this article. We remind you that such chats are visible only on the devices on which they were created and they cannot be deleted using a computer.
How to delete a conversation from an interlocutor if you have already deleted it from yourself
Remember at the very beginning, we talked about the fact that people often erase correspondence only at home, and then suffer from the inability to delete it from the interlocutor? So (thanks to Durov) now there is a way to fix everything.
If you are in such a situation, you will need to create a new chat. You can even not write anything in it. Then, using the chat deletion techniques described above, delete the empty chat, but this time make sure to check the box ” Also delete for %username%”. Your new chat will disappear, and the interlocutor will have both the old and the new one.
Why is the chat in the Telegram not deleted?
Very rarely, there are failures in the work of the Telegram. If you are faced with the fact that you can’t delete the chat, try just waiting a little. As a rule, this helps and after two or three hours, the correspondence is deleted without any difficulties.
We talked about how hiding a chat differs from deleting it, when it’s enough just to hide the chat, and when it’s better to completely delete it, as well as about the main ways to do all this.