Different between ChatKeeper and Group Help - ChatKeeper.app


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In today’s article, we will compare ChatKeeperBot and Group Help. The tools are intended for administering groups in Telegram, but the feature sets are different.
Here we do not look at the similar functions of the bots, but focus on the differences between the products.

Basic functionality

It is possible to assign administrators to manage a bot in both solutions, but Group Help does not have the ability to give users a different set of roles.
Group Help lacks an important marketing tool, forms: you won’t be able to use built-in tools to conduct surveys or gather feedback.
This bot also lacks an analytics module, and there is no way to back up bot settings. ChatKeeperBot has all of these tools.


ChatKeeperBot toolkit provides a number of unique features in addition to those similar to the Group Help.
The important difference is a number of settings for restricting rights for new users. This is necessary for newcomers so that it was easier to adapt to the rules of the chat and not to disturb the regular participants.
In addition, ChatKeeperBot implements a white list, delete inactive users, and random responses from the bot.

Filter System

Both tools have a broad list of filters, and both products have different solutions.
Here are the Group Help filters that are not added to ChatKeeper: filter for “Cyrillic” (Russian alphabet characters) and Russian names, WhatsApp links, animated emoji, profile picture presence, polls, and location.

And this is a list of filters that, in addition to the basic ones, only ChatKeeperBot has: commands to the bot (automatic removal of commands from the chat), duplicate messages, regular expressions, emoji, any messages from a particular user, E-mail and mat filter.


ChatKeeperBot has important anti-flood settings that aren’t available in Group Help: you can set the minimum time between messages, the number of messages sent in a row. You can also set the area of action for the anti-flooding: for example, you can restrict only new users.

Involvement of users

There are no mechanisms for involving users in an active discussion in Group Help.

Main ChatKeeperBot functions in this area:
– reward system (increasing internal reputation for activity, help, etc.);
– punishment for violators by reputation degradation (downgrade for rule violations, lack of activity, or other);
– reputation points bonus system;
– internal referral system.


Triggers are the bot’s actions that you set up in response to group events. You can set up different messages and random actions from the bot in response to the same events from users – ChatKeeperBot will be as live.
A similar mechanism is not implemented in Group Help.


We’ve looked at the different functions of ChatKeeperBot and Group Help. Despite the impressive number of filters, Group Help is inferior in its set of professional solutions. And they are important for thematic chat administrators and business owners: triggers, analytics, and engagement tools are essential for building safe and interesting conversations in chat.

It should be noted that according to information from the official tech support Group Help is now working in emergency mode. In addition to the main bot, two more “supporting” bots will have to be added to the group as administrators. It is not possible to pay for the full functionality with a Russian card. ChatKeeperBot has no such problems.

And another important feature: you can work with ChatKeeper in a private office (web-interface), and it greatly speeds up and simplifies the configuration of the bot.

You can test the full functionality of ChatKeeperBot for free by promo code “TESTDRIVE_TOP” (works 14 days after activation). The basic functionality of our bot is available free of charge and forever as part of the “Free” tariff. Try it!

Minimum features without ads in greetings
✅ 12 triggers
✅ Greeting users
✅ Easy verification of new users
❌ Disabling ads
❌ Checking new users with fixed and mathematical captchas, forms with validation
❌ Additional chat protection from bots
❌ Checking the user's subscription to your channel before joining the chat
❌ Forms for creating surveys and questionnaires inside the chat
❌ Anchors
❌ Experience and ranks to increase the engagement of chat participants
❌ Chat activity log
❌ Filter for regular expressions and allowed words
❌ Advanced chat statistics
❌ Branding the bot
❌ Separate support chat