Dofferents between ChatKeeper and Iris -


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ChatKeeperBot and Iris were originally positioned as products for administering groups in Telegram, but they are very different. In this article, we will rather look at the features of the products, because there are not many similar features among these Telegram bots.

Basic Functionality

Iris has five ranks for administrators: permissions are assigned automatically according to status. Access to commands can be granted to all participants. These features are not implemented in ChatKeeper.

However, in Iris there is no possibility to set up a logging channel for sending reports, there is no separation of bot management by commands and through the web-version, there is no possibility to personalize the bot (create a “clone” and give it the powers of the base bot).
Add buttons to your posts from the bot or customize its messages (set the text of messages from the bot) is also possible only in ChatKeeperBot.


Sets of tools for moderation in the bots differ significantly. Similar features in both products are: warnings are issued before the ban, and there is an option to delete inactive users.

Other important features are lacking in Iris: limitations and bans for new users, captcha, repeated messages, whitelist, random replies from bots, etc.

Anti-spam and Anti-flooding

The situation is similar with anti-spam and anti-flooding tools. However, here we should pay attention to the specifics of products: if ChatKeeper is used to maintain order in chat, then Iris is quite helpful in organizing “chaos” (in more detail this specific feature we will consider later).

There are similar anti-spam features, such as a single anti-spam system in all communities where a bot is installed, or a ban on adding bots to a group. Iris has no antiflood tools at all.

Here are a few of the anti-flooding tools implemented in ChatKeeperBot:
– setting a minimum time between messages sent by users;
– setting the number of messages sent per unit of time, which will be considered as flooding;
– banning a user if he/she sends /// duplicate messages in a row;
– set the filter’s uptime.

Filters and triggers

There’s no point in comparing bot filters systems: Iris has 3 built-in filters, while ChatKeeper has 47. Triggers in Iris are used to control “game” modules and are not designed to control chat.

Recall only that ChatKeeper triggers take into account all needs of users and include a professional functionality with conditions and actions triggers. It’s not just auto-replies, it’s a set of automatic actions that simplify the work of administrators and keep the chat under control.

Involvement of users

ChatKeeperBot has important engagement features: internal reputation, bonus points system, internal referral system, and other parameters. But if ChatKeeperBot toolkit allows you to involve an adult audience in communication, Iris focuses on entertaining younger chat participants. And there are many solutions.

Ranking systems are customizable (you can even set them to special “themes”), you can come up with your own ranks and statuses. Chats can be combined into “grids” with common commands, moderators and ban lists. You can assign access to moderator commands depending on their ranks.
Another feature of Iris is the presence of internal currencies. Some of them are obtained in-game chat, but also “funds” can be purchased for real money. They are stored in a personal “bag” of the user, or in the “trove” of the group.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the possibility of obtaining by individual users of VIP status (at the discretion of the owner of the chat such participants have access to special commands), as well as “bonuses” and “modules”.

“Bonuses” are paid actions that user can do in the chat: sending anonymous messages, ban for a day another participant (from ordinary user to moderator up to 3rd rank inclusive), lowering reputation, etc. “Modules” are a kind of mini-games and entertainment built into the bot. For example, the module “Clans” (these are groupings within the chat, including an unlimited number of participants). Or “Relationships” – interactive actions between participants that increase the level of relationships.


ChatKeeperBot and Iris are different products and solve different tasks in chat. While ChatKeeperBot is designed to manage and moderate chat, Iris helps the administrator organize users’ leisure time within the group.

There is another problem: Iris is unstable. When we tested the bot (August-September 2022) – it could respond to a command from 40 minutes to several hours. The developers could not solve the problem with the load on the bot and had to create a “Family of Iris”: several bots, one of which should be run in the chat room.

If you need a tool for administering chat, then considering Iris as an alternative to ChatKeeperBot is not appropriate. But we want to note that Iris can supplement ChatKeeperBot functionality with its entertaining solutions. In your group bots can work together if necessary.

You can test the full functionality of ChatKeeper for free by promo code “TESTDRIVE_TOP” (works 14 days from activation). The basic functionality of our bot is available free of charge and forever as part of the “Free” tariff. Try it!

Minimum features without ads in greetings
✅ 12 triggers
✅ Greeting users
✅ Easy verification of new users
❌ Disabling ads
❌ Checking new users with fixed and mathematical captchas, forms with validation
❌ Additional chat protection from bots
❌ Checking the user's subscription to your channel before joining the chat
❌ Forms for creating surveys and questionnaires inside the chat
❌ Anchors
❌ Experience and ranks to increase the engagement of chat participants
❌ Chat activity log
❌ Filter for regular expressions and allowed words
❌ Advanced chat statistics
❌ Branding the bot
❌ Separate support chat