ChatKeeper's loyalty programs -


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Referral Links

Share your referral link with your friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. After your link is followed, 100% of the payment is credited to your account.

With the accumulated bonuses in your virtual wallet, you can make purchases of tariffs for your chats. You can use points to pay for 100% of your fare purchases @ChatKeeperBot

Personal discounts

Buy more – pay less. With each purchase of the tariff, your personal discount increases.

The discount percentage starts at the accumulated $ 30. A total of 8 discount levels-from 3% to 20%.

You can view the details of all your purchases, balance and discount in your personal account. Detailed information about the terms of personal discounts is available at site

Large companies

For large companies, we provide special conditions. 

For large companies, we offer individual tariffs that fully meet the desired functionality. Such clients have the privilege of updating the bot, that is, we will add the necessary functionality to the bot. And under all these conditions, we will give you a nice discount on using @ChatKeeperBot in your chat or chat grid.

Discussion of the terms is carried out with @ChatKeeperPromotion

Minimum features without ads in greetings
✅ 12 triggers
✅ Greeting users
✅ Easy verification of new users
❌ Disabling ads
❌ Checking new users with fixed and mathematical captchas, forms with validation
❌ Additional chat protection from bots
❌ Checking the user's subscription to your channel before joining the chat
❌ Forms for creating surveys and questionnaires inside the chat
❌ Anchors
❌ Experience and ranks to increase the engagement of chat participants
❌ Chat activity log
❌ Filter for regular expressions and allowed words
❌ Advanced chat statistics
❌ Branding the bot
❌ Separate support chat