Rates - ChatKeeper.app


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Convenient payment

The ability to pay tariffs from anywhere in the world, using any payment systems and cryptocurrency, instantly

Nice prices

Every Telegram user can choose a cool tariff for himself at a favorable price


You can verify the usefulness of our bot in the free tariff or by taking the "Ultimate" tariff for free for 14 days using the promo code "TESTDRIVE_TOP"

Pricing plans


  • 12 triggers
  • 6 conditions in triggers
  • 3 actions in the trigger


  • Disabling ads
  • Disabling the greeting
  • Increased limits in triggers


  • Checking users
  • Analytics
  • Filters


  • Closed support chat
  • Custom functionality development
  • Personal brand (creating your own bot with the functions of our)


  • 12 triggers
  • 6 conditions in triggers
  • 3 actions in the trigger


  • Disabling ads
  • Disabling the greeting
  • Increased limits in triggers


  • Checking users
  • Analytics
  • Filters


  • Closed support chat
  • Custom functionality development
  • Personal brand (creating your own bot with the functions of our)

Convenient Payment System

Minimum features without ads in greetings
✅ 12 triggers
✅ Greeting users
✅ Easy verification of new users
❌ Disabling ads
❌ Checking new users with fixed and mathematical captchas, forms with validation
❌ Additional chat protection from bots
❌ Checking the user's subscription to your channel before joining the chat
❌ Forms for creating surveys and questionnaires inside the chat
❌ Anchors
❌ Experience and ranks to increase the engagement of chat participants
❌ Chat activity log
❌ Filter for regular expressions and allowed words
❌ Advanced chat statistics
❌ Branding the bot
❌ Separate support chat