Reviews -


It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.


Reviews about our bot


There seems to be no improvement, the bot is already awesome, I'm just a former programmer myself, frontend developer, awesome bot ☺️

One bot has everything to work with ☺️

And it's convenient and easy to work with the bot


The bot is the bomb

I wish I could add a feature to block not only links but phone numbers as well


Believe me! what the bot does is great! especially removes the sheep and their mistakes, who forgot the rules! And most importantly, no one at night poruchu not throw)


@ChatKeeperBot Guys, thank you so much for the hard work and such a cool assistant for moderating chats! It does the job and performs the assigned functions! This is the best assistant among all the ones I have used before! Keep up the good work


I'd like to express my gratitude for the free charity chat license. Your bot is a real salvation from annoying, often extremely vulgar advertisements. And besides, thanks to the warm welcome with which the bot welcomes new chat participants, the chat has become warmer and friendlier. Thank you and kudos to you!


Thank you. I'm all set to chat.

You have a very good bot. success to you


But at least they were doing something! Analogues are nowhere to be found! And without it there is no way))) without keeper I am like without hands)) panic when it does not work


Thanks to the developers

The bot is working

And I'm minding my own business


Admins, God bless you


Admins !!!! Great respect to you, good health, iron patience and eternal positive! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤

Nastia Ilina

Guys, you have a very cool bot, special thanks for the nice interface, but the more detailed you record a couple more videos, there will be fewer questions in this chat!

I'm just annoying myself with these questions on the bot)))

Minimum features without ads in greetings
✅ 12 triggers
✅ Greeting users
✅ Easy verification of new users
❌ Disabling ads
❌ Checking new users with fixed and mathematical captchas, forms with validation
❌ Additional chat protection from bots
❌ Checking the user's subscription to your channel before joining the chat
❌ Forms for creating surveys and questionnaires inside the chat
❌ Anchors
❌ Experience and ranks to increase the engagement of chat participants
❌ Chat activity log
❌ Filter for regular expressions and allowed words
❌ Advanced chat statistics
❌ Branding the bot
❌ Separate support chat